Xian Museums and Art Galleries

(Xian, Shaanxi, China)

Shaanxi History Museum picture (Shanxi Lishi Bowuguan)There are several very good museums within the Chinese city of Xian and in particular, the Shaanxi History Museum stands out amongst the best, housing many ancient treasures discovered in the region.

The Forest of Steles Museum is another highlight in Xian and boasts one of the heaviest collections of books in existence, as well as an area celebrating the history of the famous Silk Road. For Chinese art, then Xian's Tang Dynasty Arts Museum is the place to head.

Another photo of the Shaanxi History Museum

Shaanxi History Museum (Shanxi Lishi Bowuguan)

Address: Xiaozhai Donglu, Xian, China, CN
Tel: +86 029 8525 4727
The first port of call for any history buff holidaying in Xian, the Shaanxi History Museum often also goes by the same of the Provincial Museum and is amongst the very best cultural attractions of its kind in the whole of China. The building itself is simply enormous and boasts classical Tang-style architecture and many ornate features. Exhibits number in excess of 400,000 and are grouped into various different sections, which include relics from the dynasties of Han, Ming, Northern Zhou, Qing, Sui, Tang and Western Wei.
Open hours: daily - 08:30 to 17:30
Admission: charge

Forest of Steles Museum image (Beilin Bowuguan)

Forest of Steles Museum (Beilin Bowuguan)

Address: Shuyuanmen, Xian, China, CN
Tel: +86 029 8721 3868
Easy to find and lying next to the southern city wall, the Forest of Steles Museum is also close to the Wenchang Gate and was formerly the Temple of Confucius. Inside the Forest of Steles, visitors are treated to many unexpected surprises, with highlights including more than 2,000 stone tablets from the Han dynasty, with the Stele of Daiqin Nestorianism being particularly notable.
Open hours: daily - 08:00 to 18:00
Admission: charge

Tang Dynasty Arts Museum (Tangdai Yishu Bowuguan)

Address: Yanta Lu, Xian, China, CN
Tel: +86 029 8524 2894
The Tang Dynasty Arts Museum is located on the eastern side of the Big Goose Pagoda and is an interesting attraction in its own right. Visitors to this gallery will discover an extensive collection relating to the city's Tang period, with many remaining artefacts and treasures on display.
Open hours: daily - 08:30 to 17:30
Admission: charge